Visitor@Alis-Pr0file: /Users/ali/carrd/Misc.html


FAQ (kinda)

I have a tech related issue, can you help me with it?
Only if you ask nicely :v, also, no guarantees that I'll be able to help or even solve the issue
Are you a hacker?????
No... I just like computers, I won't give you access to your ancient instagram account, that's up to support to help, not some random 16 year old's job
Can you make me a profile website via carrd? (carrd is the website tool I used for this)
No... unless it's a single page or two (or you're paying me :v), and I consider you close enough for me to actually consider, I won't.
Why use a website building tool instead of doing it yourself?
Honestly I ask that question myself too, I regret making this site in carrd due to how extremely limited it is, I do plan on remaking this site from the ground up with html/css/js and hosting it on a free web host service instead.

Future plans for this site...

I started this site using carrd as a fun project I'd do in a couple hours that I could share around as a fun little "about me!" page, but as I used carrd more and more, I ended up regretting it entirely due to how limited it is (fun fact, I'm using 2 carrd accounts due to the 3 page limit) and how it isn't really meant for more than a single page info site at all... Did I learn something? yes, I did, which may be the best thing I got out of this. Anyways, since I'm mostly done with this site, here are my future plans for this site:

> Remake this site entirely from scratch, using html/css/javascript or whatever web framework I could use, and host it on a free webhosting service instead of a carrd when I have the free time

> Add a blog section that I can occasionally update.

> Make an Arabic version (maybe.)

Made by Ali F. Ghamlush